An impaired driving or DUI charge, whether it is due to a high blood alcohol level or drugs, can result in a permanent criminal record and impact your life in more ways than you know.

Impaired driving charges we defend include:

  • Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs
  • Refusal to provide a breath sample
  • Dangerous driving

Avoid the Consequences

Here are only some of the ways being convicted of an impaired driving charge can have on your life:

  • Costly fines
  • Possible jail time
  • Permanent conviction record
  • Loss of driving license
  • Massive increases in insurance costs
  • Impact to your lifestyle, current job, or potential career opportunities

We Can Help

Our team has represented and successfully defended many individuals charged with impaired driving charges and know how to prevent a conviction from happening.

These types of criminal charges are extremely complicated and require specialized knowledge and experience to effectively and aggressively defend.

Contact us today to let us help you get your case dismissed, charge reduced, and provide you with the absolute best chance of an acquittal.


Contact us today to let us provide you with the absolute best chance of an acquittal.