Our team is led by Darren Sederoff who is a Certified Specialist in Criminal Law, as qualified by the Law Society of Upper Canada. This distinction is held by the select few who have gained recognition as a leader and master of the profession.

Our experience includes successfully defending criminal charges such as:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Bail Hearings
  • Drug-trafficking and production (from heroin, cocaine, to marijuana)
  • Assault
  • Weapons charges
  • Fraud
  • Professional disciplinary hearings
  • Impaired driving charges (due to high blood alcohol level or drugs)

Being convicted with any of the charges above can have a serious and detrimental effect on your freedom, an in turn, your lifestyle, financial circumstance, and family.

We’ve successfully defended all of the criminal charges above, some of which were verdicts that came after a jury trial or negotiated before going to trial. Our purpose, regardless of the charge, is to give you the very best chance at an acquittal.

Read more about the cases we’ve defended here.


Contact us today to let us provide you with the absolute best chance of an acquittal.